Spielwarenmesse 2024 is the largest and most significant event in the toy industry, bringing together international decision-makers, renowned brands, trendy startups, large chain store buyers, independent retailers, and numerous media representatives to a unique exhibition. This year's Spielwarenmesse has brought together 2,142 exhibitors from 69 countries, including 396 new participating companies. RadioMaster is honored to be among them, showcasing and sharing products and our company story with everyone. The exhibition has attracted 58,000 professional visitors from 128 countries, with the top 5 countries in attendance being Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and the Netherlands.

During the Spielwarenmesse 2024, RadioMaster's booth was a hub of excitement and fascination, drawing in enthusiasts, industry professionals, and curious visitors alike. At the event, we presented the black version of our AG01 gimbals and unveiled our latest addition, the AG01 New Color gimbal! This new gimbal comes in five different colors: gold, blue, purple, green, and red. The colorful options have received great feedback from attendees.

RadioMaster took advantage of the opportunity to feature our top-of-the-line products, which included:
RadioMaster TX16S Radio,
RadioMaster Boxer Radio,
Pocket Radio,
Zorro Radio, and
MT12 Surface Radio. Attendees had the chance to experience firsthand the precision and responsiveness that make RadioMaster controllers the top choice among drone enthusiasts worldwide.

We also showcased our
Ranger ExpressLRS modules, which have garnered much love from pilots for their stability and low latency: The
Ranger 2.4GHz ELRS module,
Ranger Micro 2.4GHZ ELRS module and
Ranger Nano 2.4GHZ ELRS module. They boast output powers of up to 1W, refresh rates of up to 1000Hz, and efficient cooling.

As Spielwarenmesse 2024 comes to a close, RadioMaster would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who visited our booth, engaged with our products, and shared our passion for innovation. Your enthusiasm and support inspire us to continuously develop and upgrade our radios' technology. We look forward to seeing you again next year, eager to unveil even more exciting advancements and developments. Thank you for being part of the RadioMaster journey!

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